You decide the extent of services needed. Some individuals will just want a doula to be present to support and facilitate their end of life wishes, others are inclined to desire more. We are dedicated to meeting your needs as they shift.
In our initial consultation and every subsequent visit, worries, concerns, or pressing issues are addressed first. We engage in active listening with compassion and empathy to create a trusting environment. A “Legacy Project” is created from these conversations that explore the individual’s life stories. The Legacy renews the uniqueness and impact of the individual in their world. Positive focus is placed on the life lived. A plan is discussed and implemented as death approaches.
With a mindful presence your quality of life can be improved in many ways. We can do reading, letter writing, music, therapeutic touch, Reiki, guided meditation, breath work, or the use of essential oils to increase the individual physical or emotional comfort.
Cultural and spiritual needs are addressed as desired. The expression of feelings and emotions are encouraged. With work unresolved issues, resentments, and other weighty matters can become less burdensome. Designing rituals and preparing your unique“Vigil” plan for the active dying phase of life helps normalize the dying process and reduce fear.
During the active dying process, the Doula assists in the accommodation and facilitation of the Vigil plan. The Doula communicates with the care staff or hospice team about any changes in status or comfort of the individual. Families are educated on the dying process and with emotional support, loved ones usually feel more comfortable remaining engaged until the last moments. The doula's support make it possible to avoid being taken to a hospital and allowing you to die in the place you envisioned.
Once the individual has died the doula is there for your loved ones to begin processing early grief. The doula will stay with your loved ones for a time after the individual has died. Vigil planning may have included ritual washing of the body’s hands or feet, anointing with essential oils, specific prayers, rituals, or invocations. Your love ones may just want to be in your presence for awhile.
The doula provides referrals for disposition of the individual’s body as was determined in the summing up and planning phase of care. It could be funerals, memorials, burials, and other services the loved ones or individual had envisioned. Planning and implementing final arrangements are part of the beginning phases of grief work. Referrals are also made for bereavement and local support groups as needed.
We provide reprocessing of the events to assist with grief. By allowing you to review the experience, verbalize feelings, and emotions you can begin your journey of grief.
For more information or to schedule a free consultation call
Peggy Kelleher 908-415-5183